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Facebook Lite
Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite is a cut-down version of the social media platform that’s specially tweaked to work with slow internet connections.

If you are stuck with 2G, a slow or unstable internet connection, then Facebook Lite may be the solution to your Facebook withdrawal symptoms.

No matter the state of your WiFi connection, you are almost guaranteed to log on to Facebook and find it usable.

The other great advantage of Facebook Lite is that it is also light in its appetite for storage space and resources.

You will find most of the classic Facebook features in the app version, so you won’t have to sacrifice functionality to gain access.


Most of the usual Facebook features you love

Search for friends and family

Posting status updates

Sharing photos and memes


Events, and more.


Some people report that they prefer the Facebook Lite app to the standard-issue Facebook on their phone. It’s also an idea to switch to Facebook Lite if you max out on storage space. For example, on the iOS platform, the full Facebook app wants 271.3 MB of storage space, more than ten times that required by Facebook Lite.

Having a flaky or slow internet connection, then, is not the only smart reason to put Facebook on a diet.

Facebook Lite was also the first to get Manage Activity, a feature to archive or delete posts. The kind of post you made years ago but now kinda regret. The type of post you would like to keep for yourself but not for others, like co-workers or your ex, to see.

The feature is a way to review posts in bulk and decide which you want to keep. Those sent to trash remain there for thirty days before they are permanently deleted. This gives you some time in case you change your mind about which posts you want to delete.


Lightweight app

Works well with slow, bandwidth internet connections

Not many sacrifices required in terms of functionality

It’s free


It does not support iPad

How to use

Facebook Lite is downloadable from Google Play. The app ranks as 4.2 out of five by Google Play users who downloaded it over a billion times. System requirements vary by device.

Even on the Apple platform, Facebook Lite weighs in at just 22 MB of storage space which is next to nothing for apps running iOS. In this instance, you can use it on the iPhone and iPod touch, stretching back to iOS 9.0. Mac users are not quite so generous as their Android peers, giving the app 3.9 out of five.

Facebook Lite gives you almost all the features of regular Facebook but without the overheads. If you can live with the odd missing feature, it makes sense to switch.

However, there has been speculation that Facebook is pondering whether to kill off Facebook Lite or not due to its level of uptake. However, Facebook has not commented. The rumor started shortly after Instagram Lite got pulled by Facebook in 2020.

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