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Gmail, the email platform operated by Google, has, like it or not, become the de facto email standard.

You can use other email providers, of course. But sooner or later, you will have to open a Gmail account. Usually, what prompts this is Gmail being the official email platform at work. Or it’s just simpler to give in and get a Gmail email to access all the other apps and functionality that come with it.

However, it is an email platform that you will either love or loathe. There doesn’t seem to be much ‘meh’ middle ground. Those that loathe it have probably grown up with Hotmail and Outlook and were reluctant to go to the other side.

But don’t let these subjective opinions dissuade you from downloading the mobile app version of Gmail. You may be pleasantly surprised about how easy it is to use.


Push notifications of messages arriving

Read and reply online and off

Organized inbox using prioritized categories

Less spam

15 GB of storage for free

Supports multiple accounts, including Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, and other email providers

Undo Send to retrieve those emails you send by mistake


An essential innovation to up their game during the pandemic lockdowns was Meet’s addition in the mobile app for Android and iOS. A link in the app’s main interface makes it easy to join meetings; handy if you are remote working or on the go.

Another significant strength of the mobile app is the ability to marshal your inbox in the same way you can on the web. Social and promo messages are siphoned off, so you can see important work mail or messages from friends and family at the top of your inbox. A system of notifications ensures you won’t miss anything important.

Taming your inbox is a breeze using a swipe to archive or delete messages. You will soon cut your messages down to size in no time at all.

It’s also easy to add multiple accounts and switch between them. Also, super-convenient is the searchability as you can find messages across all your accounts faster.


It’s free

Good security protection

Easy to find and search for email messages

It integrates with other Google services

The mobile app does pretty much the same as the web version


The interface feels a little cramped

How to use

The first thing is to create a Google account if you don’t have one. The app will take you through the process.

Mobile phones almost always have a native email app on board, and sometimes the Gmail mobile app pre-installed as well. If you use the desktop version, you will feel right at home with Gmail on your mobile.

If you don’t have Gmail pre-installed, download the app. Gmail will invariably include several features your native email app will be missing.

While the Gmail mobile app’s interface for Android and iOS look quite different, they both offer a very similar range of features. So none is better than the other in that respect.

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