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Parallel Space
Parallel Space
LBE Tech

Suppose your social media empire runs to multiple accounts on several different platforms. In that case, it’s probably time to download Parallel Space.

The app’s proposition is straightforward enough - clone and operate multiple accounts on a single platform simultaneously.

It’s a genius wee app, lightweight (you only need 11 MB of storage on Android) yet powerful. And has seen over 100 million-plus installs on Google Play.

So if you’re tired of logging in and out, hopping from one account to another, Parallel Space will save you a load of time and hassle.


Multiple social media app or game logins on one device

One tap to switch between accounts

Hide apps on your device with Incognito Installation

Customizable themes for cloned apps

Compatibility with most Android apps

Privacy security lock

Parallel Space themes for a unique look


Parallel Space can spin all the plates necessary to support multiple Facebook and other social media accounts by storing and running the apps in a virtualization engine.

This is what is under the hood of Parallel Space and what allows its users to work multiple accounts simultaneously.

The app supports:





The app gets around the need to log in and out like a jack-in-the-box. Instead, all your social media assets are gathered together in one easily accessible place. This means you can run multiple accounts and multiple copies of applications on the same smartphone.


It’s free

Wide Android app compatibility

Multiple language support

Stable and easy to use

Light on storage, data, and battery life


It can be confusing to distinguish between clones and the real account.

How to use

Parallel Space is downloadable from Google Play. It requires a tiny 11 MB of free storage space. The OS requirements vary by device.

Google Play users have ranked the app at 4.5 out of five based on over 4.5 million reviews.

The parallelspace-app.com website does not offer an iOS version, and it’s not available on Apple App Store. However, there are lookalike clones of the software hosted on the platform. But these are by other developers, not LBE Tech as listed by Google Play.

If you run into problems with the Android app, there’s a helpful FAQ page on the parallelspace-app.com, which covers most of the common woes you may encounter.

For urgent problems, you can contact the app’s official WhatsApp line on +86 18201691197.

According to Google Play, the developer is based in Hong Kong, but the international dialing code is for China. But many people commute from mainland China to Hong Kong for work.

You can also use the Feedback feature within the app or email [email protected].

The app also has a Facebook page (facebook.com/parallelspaceapp), but this hasn’t been updated since December 2017. Likewise, the blog on the app’s website. The last blog post was published in May 2017.

Despite this lack of content outreach, the app was last updated, at the time of writing.

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