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With education now taking place more and more outside traditional settings, the need for communication between students and teachers has never been greater.

As homeschooling continues to grow, interest has surged in apps like Remind. This is a comms platform that helps connect students and teachers.

With remote learning come even more considerable challenges for school communities to stay in touch. And this where Remind comes into its own.

Remind has been custom-built for today’s new educational paradigm. Through the app, teachers and students can interact whether in a classroom, at home, or even on the school bus. When many students feel isolated, Remind can help students reforge bonds and succeed in their schooling.


Real-time communication

Translate messages in more than 90 languages

Share file, photos, and content


Millions of students, educators, and parents rely on Remind for their school communication needs. The app is easy to use, so you can make time wherever you are to address what’s most important in your life - schooling.

Remind has high visibility in the education sector boasting 30 million active users each month, uptake of more than 80% by US public schools, and 60% of all US teachers.

Remind is somewhat reminiscent of Twitter. It has a similar interface; only it is a safe, secure, and private communications channel between schools, students, and teachers.

Joining your school’s feed requires a subscription and a manual add by the teacher admin. The teacher who creates the Remind classroom can decide whether the board is open or locked.

With safety an issue at the forefront of everyone involved in education, Remind is an excellent way to share class activities without worrying about who may have access.


It’s free

Safe and secure

Multi-language support

The app gets updated every two weeks

It does not require personal information to be shared

The app was built for education, not adapted from something else


It seems a bit one-dimensional compared to other apps in the education segment

The calendar tool is limited

How to use

The Remind app is downloadable from Google Play and available for iOS users on the App Store.

The Android app requires 108 MB of storage space on your phone and Android 6.0 or later. Very unusually, the space requirements for the iOS app are smaller than those for Android, at 96.6 MB. Not a vast difference, admittedly. But iOS apps are typically way larger than their Android counterparts. Users need to have iOS 11.0 or later.

There’s also some divergence over rankings. At Google Play, the Android comes in at 4.3 out of five, while App Store users give it a mighty 4.8 out of five.

You need to subscribe to your school’s Remind feed. Teacher admins can add students, parents, and other staff by email or phone number from their contacts or by sharing their @handle.

No one can join without having the @handle or their teacher’s email address. Subscriptions to a locked Remind board need to be approved by the teacher.

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