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WATCHED is a shouty all-caps multimedia browser app that used to be free. Now, however, they are demanding a $30 per year subscription to watch ad-free.

Many people undoubtedly got hooked on the service during the lockdown. Now WATCHED has instead unsubtly severely limited the service. Today, the app prompts you on an annoyingly regular basis to trade up to watch what used to be free.

No doubt they had their reasons for changing their business model in the current economic climate. However, theirs appears to have been a particularly ham-fisted transition. There are ways of going about managing change that minimize how many users you leave pissed. WATCHED is not, however, one of these examples.

Their approach is all the more surprising, perhaps, since WATCHED is based in Switzerland, a country renowned for business excellence. Apart from that time, they reduced the size of Toberlone.

Putting marketing matters and chocolate to one side, for now, WATCHED remains a solid video streaming service with some intriguing features. Albeit you have to cough up $30 or live with a genuinely miserly half-hour maximum every day as a free user.


Customizable with a vast range of add-ons

Easy access to lots of top content

Easy-to-use design


WATCHED - if you can stand its in-your-face all caps-ness - is that one app that rules them all. Or as far as watching multimedia is concerned. It combines the best of a browser with a multimedia player to arrive at the ultimate entertainment experience.

The outcome is that WATCHED is now one of the world’s most popular apps.

Much emphasis is quite rightly placed by WATCHED on their team. They say the people behind the success of WATCHED are not limited by technology and daily strive to make WATCHED better.


Up to date titles

HD-quality video

Excellent loading and playback times


Not available for iOS

How to use

WATCHED is downloadable from Google Play and watched.com. The app requires Android 5.0 or later and storage requirements vary by device.

Google Play has recorded over 10 million downloads. However, users have been fierce in their reviews, leaving the app with a marginally above-average score of 2.6 out of five.

There’s no iOS app available yet, but there is a Huawei-specific version on the Huawei App Store. Desktop clients are also available for Windows, Linux, and macOS from the watched.com download page.

WATCHED PREMIUM offers complete access to the platform without ads. At the moment, you can log in to your PREMIUM account on multiple devices. However, this is set to change shortly. Soon it won’t be possible to use devices simultaneously on a PREMIUM account. This means your household has to pay for multiple accounts or timeshare one subscription.

You should also note that WATCHED does not support BitTorrent. So you may need to factor this in if you are a torrenting fan.

According to WATCHED, the app does not contain any spyware or adware, and they do not save any of your metadata while using WATCHED.

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